Tienes una hoja en blanco frente a ti. El lápiz se mueve entre tus dedos, con expectación. Tu confusión, tiene a tu mente en un estado continuo de cambios. Piensas un momento en lo que vas a escribir. El lápiz se desliza con facilidad sobre la hoja. Te detienes, lees lo que haz escrito, arrugas la hoja y la tiras al basurero. Suspiras. Y vuelves a continuar...
You have a blank sheet in front of you. The pen is moved between your fingers with anticipation. Your confusion, your mind is in a constant state of change. Think a moment about what you write. The pen glides easily over the blade. You stop, you read what you've written, wrinkles the sheet and throw it in the trash. Sigh. And again to continue ...
Es un lío crear algo. Tienes que pensar en el pequeño mundo que quieres crear. ¿Quienes jugarán en él?¿ Que sentimientos tendrán? ¿Serán buenos, o serán malos? ¿Que problemas tendrán? ¿Se solucionarán?. En fin, ese mundo poco a poco se convierte en una parte de ti. Velas por los seres que habitan en ese pequeño nuevo mundo. Te sientes creadora, impulsiva, indulgente, compasiva; sentimientos en lo que te vas involucrando conforme prosiga la creación de tu pequeño mundo.
It's a mess to create something. You have to think of the little world you want to create. Who will play in it? What feelings have? Will they be good or be bad? What problems do they have? Is it solved?. In short, the world gradually becomes a part of you. Candles for the beings that inhabit this small new world. You feel creative, impulsive, indulgent, compassionate, feeling what you're going to continue as involving the creation of your little world.
It's a mess to create something. You have to think of the little world you want to create. Who will play in it? What feelings have? Will they be good or be bad? What problems do they have? Is it solved?. In short, the world gradually becomes a part of you. Candles for the beings that inhabit this small new world. You feel creative, impulsive, indulgent, compassionate, feeling what you're going to continue as involving the creation of your little world.
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